Dental implants can be called as artificial tooth root made of titanium. By implants we can replace the missing teeth. Also with Dental Implants we restore the chewing function, lack of digestion and aesthetic as well. When we lost our teeth, jaw bones get thinner. Implants as they copy the natural teeth, maintain the bone dimensions original.
What Are The Components of Dental Implants?
Dental implants are composed of 3 components:
First the ‘’implant body’’ the titanium part placed in the bone. Second an ‘’abutment’’ the part screwed in the implant body, acting as an attachment combining the porcelain crown and the implant. The crown, the artificial teeth that is out of the bone, attached to the implant is the 3. component.
What Are Purpose and Advantages of Dental Implants?
Implants have well-build harmony with your natural teeth. Face symmetry and natural smile are restored without damaging the adjacent teeth. When you leave empty spaces in the mouth, that part of the bone get thinner and weaker. So in meantime you can see asymmetry on your face at the mirror. Placing implants can stimulate bone and prevent deterioration. Also our perfect nature tends to close spaces in the mouth. That means when you do not replace missing teeth, next ones will be tilted trying to close the gap. And the upper or lover teeth matching the missing one will move towards the empty space. With all this process the balance of the mouth will be all disturbed causing more cavity risk.
How is Dental Implant Treatment Applied?
The first and the most important part of dental implant treatment is planning. With current technologies we use 3-D imaging systems to evaluate the cases and plan the implant treatment precisely.
After planning, the implant surgery is applied by high experienced Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons. Generally the Dental Implant surgeries are classified as simple operations. One single implant takes 15 minutes.
What Are The Techniques for Dental Implants?
According to the planning of the case and patient, different techniques can be chosen.
The most common way is extracting the teeth and waiting for 1-1,5 months, the bone fills the gap of the missing teeth. And placing the implant in the second step comes after extraction.
The other way which is getting more reliable day by day, is to place the implant immediately after extraction.
Placing the implant body part, we should wait 1,5-2 months implants getting connected to the bone.
The permanent porcelain crowns or prosthesis that is recently planned will be produced after this waiting period.
Highlight of The Dental Implants: One Day Teeth
There is different types of techniques for the upper part (the part of the implant system visible in the mouth) of the Implant System.
Traditional way is waiting 1,5-2 months after the insertion of the implant. At such cases we try produce temporary restoration compensating the esthetic and function. But it is not always technically possible.
But modern dentistry comes with a new concept: ’’One Visit Dentistry’’ or ‘’One Day Teeth’’.
With this technique, we extract the teeth and do the implants on the same day with one surgery and place the temporary restorations immediately. ‘’In one visit’’ you are having all your teeth in your mouth. So you are not staying toothless even one day. Also it will becoming easy and comfortable waiting 1,5-2 months for implants get connected strongly to the bone.
At the final stage the permanent prosthesis are done.
‘’One Visit Dentistry’’ concept is also have the advantage that, the temporary restorations we are using shapes the gum over the implant and the temporaries become a guide for the final restorations. So the final stage, the permanent restorations become more easy and comfortable for the patient and the doctor.
Your doctor team should be highly experienced about the concept ‘’One Visit Dentistry’’.
This kind of cases should be done with special work-flows. The team consist of the surgeon, prosthodontist and the technician should be well-prepared for each patient.
Especially totally edentulous patients who had lost all their teeth (or have to lose all the teeth) find this concept like miracle.
4–6 months recovery time, 2 step surgery, 3 step treatment, leaving the patient toothless can be turned into brand new white teeth replacing all the missing teeth in one day.
Patient can smile and eat better than their own teeth just in one day. Digestive and nutritional problems can be avoided by this method. So medical self -defense won’t be negatively affected. Also patients won’t have any social problems.

Why is Dental Implant Needed?
- Replacing the missing teeth without drilling any more teeth.
- You can eat and digest better so you won’t have stomach or weight problems.
- You can smile better and more confident when all your missing teeth are replaced.
- You will avoid asymmetrical appearance on your face due to the bone loss.
Who Are The Right Candidates for Dental Implant?
The most important conditions for dental implants are general health and the strength of jaw bone. If you are having regular treatments or have special medical conditions , please inform your dentist.
We evaluate your jaw bone with x-rays and in recent years with 3D dental tomography.
If you have insufficient bone for implants we still have techniques for reinforcing your bone to put a strong implant. We use artificial bone materials or your own bone within your jaws to have larger and thicker base for your implants.
Is the Procedure Painful?
Implant Surgeries have minimal complains after the operations. During the surgery we use local anesthesia or sometimes sedation for comfort of the patient. You will feel nothing during the procedure. After the operations you may have minor pain or swelling which can be solved with painkillers and antibiotics.
Does The Body Reject Dental Implant? How Long Dental Implants Last?
Dental Implants are not organ/tissue transplants. Dental implants have high success rates. A good planning and detailed and experienced surgical application is the first requirement of a long lasting implant. With a good oral health and regular professional controls implants can stay life-long.
How Do I Care for My Dental Implants?
You should brush and floss like your natural teeth. Best way to care for your implants is having regular check ups and cleaning.
Can Smokers Have Dental Implants ?
Smoking is a relative contraindication for dental Implants. Smoking delays the healing of tissues so for every surgery. It is recommended to quit or reduce. Smoking may also affect the life of the dental implants.